Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Macbook Pro 17"... running Vista?

My group at work found some "extra" money in the budget so the boss put in an order for 4 fully loaded Macbook Pros 17". Some director questioned the purchase when the shipment arrived, but after "quarantining" the macs for a period of time, the director forgot all about it and now we have our Macs.

I've been a Windows user for years. I've never had a Mac. I was impressed right away - beautiful, minimalist design. Great software package, easy to use UI. Most of all the screen on the thing is just gorgeous. I also like the two finger scroll and two finger tap right clicking.

After a while though I realized I have some apps at work on Windows that I just work faster in. I spend much time in Outlook. So I tried Mac Office 2008 and Entourage (Outlook for the Mac). Entourage is not quite Outlook. We also use Sametime for IM at work and I'm used to that. I tried Adium in OS X, but meh it's just ok for me.

So... using the included bootcamp program, I split the hard drive in half - one half for Mac, the other for Vista. By now everyone knows you can run Vista on the Mac. You can even install VMWare Fusion for the Mac and run Vista simultaneously as a Virtual Machine.

I tried the VM option... running Vista along with OS X but read a blog from someone that said Vista flies on the Macbook Pro. I booted to Vista only and wow. It's fast. And by the way, I really think Vista is a decent OS. I haven't had any crashes or major issues... yet.

So now for work, I boot into Vista. When I go home, I boot into OS X. You may scream bloody sacralige... running Vista on the Macbook Pro... disappointment. But hey, daddy's got to get work done at work and do it fast. At home I can be the cool young guy on the right with the casual clothes and full head of hair. Well maybe not the full head of hair.

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