Saturday, August 2, 2008


Taken from "Kapampangan in Ten Easy Lessons" by Ernie Tarlac

The first lesson is a vocabulary builder. Like in
business, we need some capital, and in this case,
the vocabulary you will absorb in here will serve
as the capital.
Below are one-word expressions, together with their
translations in English and sometimes in Tagalog. Try to
memorize as many of these useful quotations as you

caluguran daca - I love you.
cabalen - (kababayan) town mate
tará - (tayo na) let's go
tara - let's all go now
ana - come on, let's do it
siguí - go ahead
wa - (oo) yes (informal)
opu - (opo) yes (formal, with respect)
alí - (hinde) no
tabalu - (ewan) I don't know
siguru - perhaps
pilán - (ilan) how many?
nanu - (ano) what?
ninu - (sino) who?
baquit - why?
macananu - (paano) how?
capilán - (kaylan) when?
nucarin - (nasaan) where?
pota - (mamaya) in just a little while; later
cánian - (ngayon) very soon at any time now
nándin - (kanina) a while ago
saguli - (sandali) just a little while, I'll be right with you
bucas - tomorrow
napun - (kahapon) yesterday
ngeni - (ngayon) now; today
queng Domingo (sa darating na Linggo) this coming Sunday
quetang Domingo (noong nakaraan na Linggo) last Sunday
macádua - in two days
nacadua - two days ago
oíni - (eto) "here", "there you are" (when handing something)
oreni - "here", "there you are" (with a plural sense)
iní - (ito) this
deni - these
den - those (near the one spoken to)
deta - those (far from both the speaker and the one spoken to)
yan - (iyon) that (near the one spoken to)
itá - that (far from both the speaker and the one spoken to)
queta - (doon) there; over there
carín - there, over there; yonder
quen - (diyan) there (near the one spoken to)
queni - (dito) here, over here (far from the one spoken to)
queti - here (includes the location of the one spoken to)
ala - (wala) nothing; none; there isn't any
atín - (mayroon) there is
salamat - thanks; thank you
másqui na - (kahit na) even then
e bali - (hindi bale) it doesn't matter
acu - (ako) I
icami - (kami) we (I and others)
itamu - (tayo) we (I, you and others)
icata - we (the two of us)
ica - (ikaw) you (singular)
icayu -(kayo) you (plural)
ya - (siya) he/she/it
ila - (sila) they
sayang - what a waste! how wasteful!
arimuan - so as to save; it's economical!
abe - (kaibigan) companion, pal
masalese - (mahusay) good! great! wonderful!
areglado - (ayos) all right! excellent!
malicsi - quick!
bilis - quick!
nu anti - (gaano karami) how much? - in quantity
magcanu - how much? - in money
sanu - (alin) which? which one?
macanian - (ganyan, ganito)like this; this way
masisiadu - too much; excessive
milalalu - too much; excessive
comusta - hello; how are you
o sigue ne - o.k., see you; see you later; so long
dispu - 1.(tao po) hello, anybody home? 2. God bless you.
macacalale - careful
buyset - darn it; darn you!
sabi na - (sabi niya) he/she said
dapat - should be!
sucat - should be!
cailangan - should be!
atyu - (nandito) here; present
aguiang capilan - (kahit na kaylan) anytime, everytime
siempre - of course!
neh - okay; huh?
rugo - oh how I sympathize...! - used when sympathizing
naman! - oh dear!
na naman! - again?!
astuna - (tama na) that's enough; stop it
capa - (teka) wait a minute
capamu - wait a minute
ante - let me have it
para - stop here! - used when on a passenger bus
aria - go now - used on drivers
sana - how I wish it were that way!
mequeni - (hali ca) come here
mananu ca - how do you feel? - refers to health
nananu ca - what are you doing?
ayba - 1. no; no way! 2. give me a break! are you sure?
ay - (hinde) no -used when declining or refusing
aruy - oh gee, oh my gosh!
aray - ouch!
aru - oh my!
aro - oh so! - used when trying to arouse guilt on one
oy - yeah! - used when being called
hoy - hey!
neng cai - (kung minsan) sometimes; at times
quegana-gana - (lahat) all; everybody
yata - it seems likely
caibat - (pagkatapos) afterwards
aldoldo - (araw-araw) everyday
aguiang macananu - "of course"

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